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 The Beach Trip 
High School Group Of Friends

This was a trip that me and two of my friends took before that start of college year. It was kind of like our last trip as teenagers before we became Young Adults this was an amazing and carefree time between the three of us. It was a trip that I will never forget.

This picture was very recent. It was taken this Saturday after a movie me and my friends went to see. This is a group of friends that I will never forget. They have been with me since the beginning of high school. The two girls next to me have been through thick and thin with me. We've always had each others backs. Always Will. 

Long Term Friend

This is my bunny Thumper. I have had him since the August before senior year. He is a very sweet bunny that is always ready for a cuddle when you need it. He is one of the many joys of my day and life. I feel so happy to be able to have him in my life. 

This is my long term friend. I have known her since sixth grade. She is an amazing friend who will always be there for you when you need it. She is also one of the many highlights of the day. Hearing her rants, complaints and funny jokes all make me laugh and make us closer. We know how each other work. What makes each other tic and what makes each other happy. To have a friend understand you like that is one of the best feelings. 

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